Thursday, September 30, 2010


Click the panel above for the latest Short Zita the Spacegirl comic! Enjoy it!

I’ve been all over the artistic map lately, jumping from writing to drawing comics, to painting portraits, to learning guitar and even squeezing in a fire show last weekend. Maybe I should round things out by taking up interpretive dance?

The portrait in the last post, by the way, is the lovely and musically talented Teresa Miller. Teresa was a very patient model -a pleasure to paint and always willing to sit past the point of comfort while I kept finding one or two more little things to change. I do think she fell asleep a couple times though.

I also should have mentioned that this portrait is life size and done more or less with the "sight-size" technique, which you can read about here.

Here’s one more photo of the painting on an easel that gives an idea of the size of the canvas.