Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Unplanned Hiatus


I kind of just stopped posting there for a couple weeks.  I can't come up with a reasonable explanation as to why, beyond a general uptick on the busy-o-meter.  I'm going ot make up for it by posting THIS LIZARD who enjoys "permanent houseguest" status at Hatke Headquarters:
And if that's not enough, here's a picture of Wall E.  I love this guy.

Why is he holding a sign?!?
Finally, while we're on the subject of lovable wordless characters, Jellaby volume II by Kean Soo is available in stores now.  

I was able to help out in a very small way with the coloring on this book and reading the finished product was definitely a treat.  If you aren't familiar with Jellaby, a good place to start is with these short cartoons.